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tangle-5 Week three has come and gone, and I managed to get a few more tiles under my belt!  Yahoo!

Tile 5 was fun because it took on a bit of a life of its own!  The one corner seemed to grow and grow and grow…I thought it might end up off of the page! 🙂  The other funny part is that, now that I am looking back at it, I have no idea how I created the pattern on the right hand side anymore! 😉  It’s cool, so I’ll have to go back and figure that one out again!

tangle-6Tile 6 was a challenge because Chaining got the better of me again.  Oh well, what’s a tangler to do?  That’s it – draw on!  I took on Ornamato in this tile, and love the way it looks like a string of pearls!  I think I want to play with this pattern some more!  It reminds me of my hubby who happens to be a goldsmith!

The other fun I had this week was using my Japanese Washi tape to spruce up my Japanese pens!!!  I have a few different sizes and although I don’t use the bigger ones too often, I am constantly trying to figure out which one I want when I get started!  So now, all I have to do is look for  pink one and I will be all set!  🙂

My pretty, colour-coded pens

My pretty, colour-coded pens

Well, that’s it over here today!  Can’t wait to share my next post – I took on a challenge!